Wednesday 11 February 2015

Busy, Busy and Busier

Holy cow.. It's been a long few months, what with working 3 different jobs, being 2 months a part from my tablet (while it was being fixed out of province) and balancing a healthy social life.

All of that while trying to get my portfolio done has been a real challenge.

That being said, I'm not sure we can really grow unless we are being challenged. 

I'm hoping that this blog post marks a passing of an era. An era which has been filled with self doubt, Insecurity in my direction and labor jobs :). This era is called the " art school admission portfolio season." 
Never have I had to work so hard for something I didn't know for sure would give me something in return. Often discouraged, and still not certain that I will even be accepted, I can still look back at my considerable growth as an artist, only made possible through the sweat drenching pursuit of a dream.

I hope that in some small way this encourages any other starting artists in pursuit of a career in the entertainment industry.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

- Andy

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